You are invited to take part in the Elise Cerami Memorial Scholarship for a sponsored American Red Cross Lifeguard Certification. Your participation in the Lifeguard Certification Scholarship is voluntary. The application is due by the 15th of each month. Applicants who are also applying for the College Scholarship and in need of lifeguard certification should apply for the Lifeguard Scholarship no later than 60 days prior to the Run4Elise. The lifeguard certification must be completed no later than 30 days prior to the Run4Elise. (College Scholarship is a separate application.) The length of time that you will need to complete the application will be primarily dependent on your essay(s), signed consent/reference, and uploaded attachments. Upon a successful submission of your application, you will receive an acknowledgement email from Swim4Elise. Your submission will be reviewed anonymously by the Swim4Elise Board of Directors. If approved, recipients will then select the date of their class with North Star ASI. Recipients will also be recognized at the Run4Elise each year.
If you have not yet completed the Lifeguard Consent/Reference Form, you can download it here.